Supplier Contractual Agreement
Dear Supplier,
1) Product requirements
2) Access to quality documentation and traceability
The supplier agrees to send us the quality documentation related to
the ordered goods, such as the parts inspection report, material
certificate, plating certificate or others. The supplier undertakes to
keep these documents for a minimum period of 2 years after
acceptance of the delivery of the product by Mindcore Technologies
3) Storage, packaging and shipping
4) Treatment of non-conformities
The supplier agrees to produce the ordered goods according to the
best industry practices (manufacturing standards), and this by
respecting the requests established on the drawings transmitted at
the time of the order or according to the standards and specifications
listed in the order. of purchase. Otherwise, the goods received may
be returned at the supplier’s expense with a request for corrective
action associated with a non-conformity. Time is of the essence for
any corrective action required to bring the goods into conformity. We
ask for the shortest possible delay, if possible less than a week, unless
a technical impossibility would prevent it. This delay must be notified
by a written notice stating the contrary.
5) Prevention and detection of counterfeit items
6) CWB compliance (Canadian welding Bureau) - welding
The supplier agrees that the disconnector bases and welded
structures will be manufactured by a resource with the required skills
in addition to complying with the CWB standard.